Cibelli & Guadagno

We have always treated stone as a restoration topic, something to be consolidated and preserved for the future. Today we change point of view in order to discover the stone in its infinite declinations of modeling as a design object.

They born in Puglia and study architecture at "La Sapienza" in Rome. After graduating, they returned to Troia (FG), their homeland, to continue to breathe the romanic architecture that always fascinated them. They deal with design, interior architecture and restoration. They strongly believe in their contemporaneity, never neglecting to leave a mark even in the restoration work of convents and historic buildings. The restoration work for the Cathedral of Troia is published on the contemporary Atlas of marbles and stones of Puglia (ed. Regione Puglia, Bari, 2009). They designed five objects for the “Tra Design e Arte” for the De Mura brand collection presented at the Milan International Forniture exhibition in 2012 and exhibited at the Milan Triennale in 2013 and 2014.
